The Vision

“Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer - Braiding Sweetgrass

The vision is to one day live in a place where unconditional love and mutual respect are a priority for our society. It’s an ideal that encompasses not only our relationship with each other as humans, but our relationship with the plants, animals, rocks, and minerals that inhabit here.

Humans are not a plague on this Earth, we are part of her cycle. Life and time are not linear, but cyclical. Like the moon affects the tides each day, we affect the ebb and flow of life on this Earth and the Earth responds. She has the uncanny ability to heal herself, that is if we allow her time. We can give her time by learning her needs as a parent learns the needs of their child. The Earth is our mother and she provides abundantly if we choose to see her sacrifices.

I have been wrestling with the question, “How do I get people to care more?” The answer is to make it personal. What’s more personal than unconditional love and mutual respect?

I create educational opportunities to get personal. To build the foundation, to grow the roots of changing perceptions, or paradigms. To build relationships. To get rooted in yourself, to connect with others, and get your hands literally dirty. Without this foundation there is nothing to build on. Like dry soil in a harsh rain our efforts will be washed away.

It’s not enough to be ‘sustainable’ as we use less plastic, recycle, or '“go green”. We must consider helping the process of regeneration and the first step is building roots.